

Apply to become merchant member

Join us on our e-commerce platform. Let's create a better future together.

Login Username:
Confirm Password:
Merchant Business Full Name:
Belonging to Category:
Merchant Logo:

Merchant Cover Image:

Mobile Phone Number:
Detailed Address:
Apartment, unit, suite, or floor #:
Postal code:
Corporate Website:
Business Model:    

We are SalePointer, owned by BrainVision, a tech-savvy software company located in Markham, Canada. We are a multi-channel digital platform helping to promote small-to-medium sized businesses in the GTA, sell their products, and bring in more traffic.

We have a traditional offline advertising platform, permitting merchants to gain more exposure; moreover, we have an online e-commerce site, allowing customers to shop online and enjoy shopping at the small-to-medium sized businesses in their communities. Our mission is to connect customers and merchants, find the best deals for customers, and bring in more sales for merchants. Join us today!